Hen mamma out riding with the Chickens. It's made by pixel in Psp 7.

Color I use for outline:
Hat- #A330A4
Hat band - #6DB65C
Hen and chicken - #FFD143
Wing and leg - #F2A64C
Carriage - #A330A4 and #6DB65C
Beak,eyes,wheel and pole - Black.

I use Paint brush, quare size 3 and size 1 for beak, eyes and wheel.

Open a New image 200 x 200 transparent.
Zoom up to 4:1
Now follow these image


Now we have to colorize
Use Magic Wand inside the hat

and it being selectet. Sett color to #B22BB5 and fill.Now go to Effect/3Deffects/Cut Out with these settings:


Repeat Magic Wand for each part to selectet befor fill with color. When select more parts, hold down shift key.

Body, color #FED871. Cut out V. & H. 1, Shadow color #FDA613 and fill color #FED871. Repeat cut out but sett V. & H. to -1.

Here we have the Hen:

Now the Carriage, but first we make the pole. We use Paint brush size 1:

Then the Carriage and chicken:

The chickens, color and cut out as Hen.
Now it's done.

Zoom to 1:1
Use selection around the picture

Go to Image/Crop to Selection. Save as tube.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions, please mail me.

This tutorial made by me
15. february.2004

