Writen by Birgit

You are not allowed to forward this tutorial or to place it on any web site.
This tutorial is © Birgit - www.birgitja net - 2009
It's my own idea, any resemblance to another tutorial is purely coincidental.
But all graphics made by your self are yours.

I  used Psp 9 , but other versions should work.

This tag showing you, have to make font round a photo etc.

I have use a photo of my own, font Curlz MT,
and plugins Johann's Filter2,0 - Symmetric Pattern 2.
Photo and Font here

Plugins here

Open photo and font in Psp, minimer.
Put plugins in your pluginsfolder.

We begin with an image 500 x 500 transparent.

Sett foreground to #7e3b56 and fill.
Go to Plugins and find Johann's Filter/Symmetric Pattern 2
with this settings:

Nytt layer, move down. Fill with foreground color.
Go to raster 1 and set opacity to 26.

Stand on toplayer. Choose Shape Tool/Ellipse:

Draw circle, Create as Vector, Size 15 , foreground closed and
background 7e3b56.

Draw a circle about 300 x 300 (down to right):

Go to Objects/Align/Center in Canvas, and your circle are now in center.


Right click on Vectorlayer and Convert to raster layer.
Selection/Select All, Selection/Float, Selection/Modify/
Select Selection Borders and set width 20, Inside and antilas checked:


Effects/3Deffect/Drop Shadow:

Repeat with vert., horiz. -3.


New Layer. Use Magic Wand in center of frame to select.

Selection/Modify/Expand, set number of pixel 2:

Open photo, Edit Copi. On image Paste into Selection.

Take your shape Tool/Elipse one moore, but set width 2.
Foreground to black and background closed.
Make a circle a bit bigger than frame.
Use pen tool and you can move circle to place.

Now Active Text tool Find Curlz MT font,
set  size 32, stroke width 2. foreground #3b1723

Set mouse on circle, and you will see an A with bow below. Click.
Now you can write text, and it goes round frame. I wrote  -
Hortensia my favorit  ~ 3 times.
Maybe you have to change size after how big your circle are.

Now go to layer palett and push + befor Vector1.
Then it open. then close New Ellipse layer.

Convert to Raster Layer.
Drop Shadow:

Merge visible.


Go to Image/Add borders set symmetric 3,
right click color and choose foreground.

Resize 85 % all layers checked. Adjust/Sharpness/Sharpen.

Now we are ready. Hope you like it.
You are welcome to mail me.

Tutorialer  ~ ~ ~ ~ Scrap tutorialer
